Samstag, 16. Juli 2016
fortune dreams about him again
Glückskeks saß am Fenster der neuen, alten Wohnung und schrieb es auf, damit sie es nie vergaß, was sie geträumt hatte. Die Hauptstadtkatze lag unter dem Tisch am Fenster der neuen, alten Wohnung und träumte einen neuen Katzentraum und wußte sowieso, was sie sich merken mußte und was nicht. "He knew that people were talking about him smelling bad or something. Although he was trying to be a little distant and standoffish, he decided to ask me about it. I had noticed how he smelled, it was kinda strong, but to me it wasn’t bad. He smelled like worn-in clothes, but not like body odor or sweat. He smelled a bit like dust, dry, like cigarettes of course, not like leather although you might have expected that, and i tried to explain that to him. He was standing there in front of me and we were pretending to look at something, maybe like in a bookstore browsing books laid out on tables. We kinda gravitated towards each other while i explained that he didnt smell like sweat and he didnt smell like leather and didnt smell like unwashed for weeks. and when he asked me, we were standing very close to each other, and both our left sholders touched and our heads almost touched. That’s when he asked me „so what DO i smell like?“ and i said „home“. "

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Und ich habe Sie und die Hauptstadtkatze vermisst.

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