Samstag, 17. November 2012
dreams and songs and travels...
"Das gibt's doch nicht..." murmelte Glückskeks leicht irritiert und verunsichert. Die Hauptstadtkatze dachte etwas ganz ähnliches, denn sie hatte das Bahnticket schon gesehen, das Glückskeks ausgedruckt hatte. Das gibt's doch nicht, schon wieder verreisen? Schon wieder geben mir irgendwelche wildfremden Menschen Futter?
"Das gibt's doch nicht.." wiederholte Glückskeks. "Hauptstadtkatze, ich glaube, das (ich?) wird (werde?) langsam ein bißchen irre hier. Ich meine, schon wieder verreisen? Irre. Nur um diesen Schauspieler zu sehen? Nur um da einiges in mir zu klären? Irre. Bin doch kein Teenie. Aber teeniemäßig fühlt es sich auch wirklich nich an, Hauptstadtkatze. Mehr wie wenn ich das einfach machen muß. Mehr, wie wenn das Schicksal ähem mein ewiger Traum ähem das Leben mir irgendwas sagen will, oder beibringen oder einhämmern. Ich muß da was klären. Und ich glaube, erst einmal müßte ich eigentlich klären, wie irre ich schon bin und wie irre ich mir noch erlaube zu werden.... "
Die Hauptstadtkatze wußte ganz genau wo diese magische Grenze war, immer noch auf die Reihe kriegen wo das Katzenfutter steht und wie man eine Hauptstadtkatze füttert, aber sie ringelte sich trotzdem neben Glückskeks zusammen, die auf den Bildschirm starrte, wo sie den Traum von letzter Nacht mal zur Sicherheit notiert hatte, man weiß ja nie....

"I heard that he was in the area and that he had been to this restaurant I know in H* and talked to people and even jokingly kissed a girl there, I just thought, how stupid that I missed him again. Then I heard that he would be there again, and of course I went there. I walked around there waiting for him, talked to people I know there, everybody was in anticipation, they had even built a small stage for him and printed flyers and everything. Then I saw him coming through the door, he was with a girl and had his arm around her shoulders, but I didn’t feel jealous, I just looked to see if I recognized her, but didn’t. He looked younger in the dream, but I guess I did too, the whole atmosphere was youthful somehow. He walked through the restaurant and prepared to come onstage, I saw him standing there with that girl and releasing her.
Then he came on stage, I was standing at the side of the stage. He looked at me and came over to me. Took my hand to take me on stage with him, but the stage was very high and I motioned to him that I wouldn’t make it there. So he stayed with me and knelt down and kept holding my hand. I felt like we were just literally gravitating towards each other and he didn’t let go of my hand, but even touched my arm with his arm as if we were magnetic and glued together. Then he had to leave again and a lady approached me, kinda like his manager or staff, and gave me a flyer with instructions, saying this is for the girls who want to meet him, a bit like instructions how to behave or something. She told me to distribute the flyers. I told her I would keep just keep them all, and she was not against it.
Then we left together after his appearance, and were on a small boat together. I asked him if he could drive it, and he said he couldn’t, and I said I can’t either, but we just tried together then and it worked. We drove through a landscape that was a little bit like the swampy areas in Florida, not the everglades, but canals and such where people live there, I remember going through it when I was visiting Florida once and was on a boat going fishing. We looked at the landscape and enjoyed being together, and I remember that I also somehow collected trash that other people and us had left in this nature area. Then we got back and took his car to his place, a very old American car that had a few problems.
I don't know, the dream went on and on, all night and half of the morning."

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